IWM FRE 264 – P-51D & P-51K arrive at Duxford

Duxford Eagles and the P51 Mustang

On a winter’s day in December, 80 years ago, the 78th Fighter Group at Duxford Airfield saw the first of its North American P-51D Mustangs fly in...

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Duxford and No.19 Squadron

Duxford’s illustrious history as a fighter base dates back as early as 1918. Today, it is perhaps the best-preserved historic fighter base in...

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Beware of the Hun in the sun!

Over the years, our beloved Hispano Buchón ‘Yellow 10’ (G-AWHK) has played the part of its German counterpart, the Messerschmitt 109, at...


Meet Our Pilots: Jon Gowdy

The summer of 2020 will be remembered by most for a number of different reasons, both good and bad.  A certain highlight of the 2020 flying season...

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The Blakeslee Mustang

Word is out and so it’s finally time to say goodbye to ‘The Shark’.  Duxford based P-51D Mustang (G-SHWN) has recently rolled out...

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Introducing Aerial Collective

Introducing Aerial Collective Duxford, experts in vintage warbird experiences. Based out of the Aircraft Restoration Company's hangars at Duxford...